we’ve got it for you

Metal and Ceramic Braces

Whether you are really into metal or not, we’ve got a solution for you. If you decide to go with the conventional full fixed orthodontic appliance (aka “braces”), you will have two flavors to choose from: metal or ceramic. Some people like more “esthetic” look of ceramic braces (shown in the picture), while others prefer the good old look of metal braces.


Not happy with your previous orthodontic treatment? Something is off but you can’t really tell what it is?
Haven’t really been wearing your retainers?

Whatever the reason might be, you are considering another orthodontic treatment. Let us do it right. Dr. Yoon will evaluate your current conditions and will bring out the best smile in you which you will be 100% happy with.

Fixed Retainers

Tired of wearing your retainers every night?
Lost your retainers and your teeth shifted already?

You might want to consider getting fixed (“bonded” or “permanent”) retainers in addition to the removable clear retainers. These will provide an extra layer of insurance that your teeth will stay straight.

Combo Treatment

Why not take the best of both worlds?

As a board-certified orthodontist, Dr. Yoon knows which orthodontic tool works best for certain complicated tooth movement. He often chooses to utilize both braces and Invisalign® for his patents’ comprehensive orthodontic treatment in order to make it as effective and fast as possible.

Invisalign® First

Did your dentist say your child is TOO young for braces? Might not be the case!

Designed for 7- to 10-year-olds, an early interceptive orthodontic treatment not only manage spaces properly for adult teeth to grow in but also prevents bite problems from getting worse.

Invisalign® for Teens

Once all of their adult teeth erupt (except for the wisdom teeth) into mouth, teenagers are ready for comprehensive orthodontic treatment to start the journey to a beautiful smile and a functional bite. Rest assured that you can enjoy eating whatever you love without worrying about broken braces.

Invisalign® Mandibular Advancement

Specially designed for growing teens with small lower jaws, Invisalign® treatment with mandibular advancement feature guides the jaw growth in a favorable direction and can significantly reduces the severity of overbite.

Invisalign® for Adults

Who says you are too old for orthodontic treatment?

It’s never too late to start your enhanced smile journey. Or you had braces when you were a teen and don’t want to go through that again. Invisalign® is the best option for you as it will be seamlessly integrated into your life style.

Professional Whitening System

Once your orthodontic treatment is completed, you will be given an option to purchase a fully customized at-home teeth whitening system (powered by Opalescence) to add that last bit of shine to your perfect smile.

Corrective Jaw Surgery

Is your underbite or overbite too severe?

Corrective jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, can be planned as part of your comprehensive orthodontic treatment to address any severe skeletal discrepancy. With his extensive training in surgical orthodontics, Dr. Yoon will be paired up with an oral surgeon to get you that textbook bite as well as ideal facial esthetics.

Virtual Monitoring | Virtual Visits

Got no time to visit our office for your appointments?
Too busy working, studying, or traveling?

We understand our patients all have busy lives. We utilize the most advanced and secure virtual monitoring + virtual care platform so that you can enjoy your visits from the comfort of your home or anywhere in the world!

Retention Subscription Program

Done with your treatment? Doesn’t mean we say goodbye!

Once we conclude our orthodontic treatment, you have an option to enroll in our retention subscription program. Yearly orthodontic check-ups and a brand new set of retainers every year will put not only your mind but also your teeth at ease.

Therapeutic Botox Injection

Got severe migraine or headaches?
Grinding or clenching too much?

Botox injection can reduce the severity of pain around your head and jaws by relaxing the involved muscles. Severe grinders or clenchers can also benefit tremendously from Botox injection which will help reduce the intensity of muscle contraction.

Esthetic Botox Injection

Not a big fan of your wrinkles?

Botox injection will help remove dynamic wrinkles and smoothen your skin regardless of your age. It can be applied on your foreheads, crow’s feet (side of your eyes), 11 lines (between your eyes). One round of Botox treatment will last about 3-5 months.

Trigger Point Injection

Have a super hard knot on your shoulder muscles?

Trigger point injection (TPI) or dry needling in combination with Botox will break those hard knots and relieve the pain around the shoulder. You won’t believe how much relief you will get from just one round of treatment.